1.War was an abstract idea, nothing more than a show on TV. As a child, I only saw it as something that happened in some far away land. . .
2.Although social responsibility may seem as an abstract idea, managers consider it on a daily basis as they deal with real issues.
3.The general or abstract idea of beauty is thus a radically different kind of thing than an inpidual beautiful object.
4.The one is an abstract idea, the other is an actual daily biological urge - a fact that exists and cannot be denied.
5.Matt, which is an abstract idea, is the key to understand the characteristics of ancient Egyptians ' thought.
6.In short, to erect a world on the basis of the omphalos, not on an abstract idea nailed to a cross.
7.Unless we find such a way of living, not an abstract idea.
8.Therefore, the accountability system is inevitable if responsible government is not just an abstract idea.
9.War was an abstract idea, nothing more than a show on TV.
10."I'm looking forward to a whole host of new arguments over what is and isn't an abstract idea, " Helfgott said.